The Tool Kit:

Series A startups to the Fortune 100. 

Agency-side, client-side, and consulting roles. 

Working across cybersecurity, healthcare, consumer retail, financial, advocacy, and more.

Along the way, I’ve built a big tool kit of capabilities, all grounded in a few fundamentals that guide me.

It starts with strategy
Everything stems from a clear understanding of what you want to do and why you want to do it. 

Words really matter. 
Crisp, consistent language supports shared understanding, inspiration, and superior outcomes. 

Always serve the audience.
Ask a question, solve a problem, or fulfill an aspiration every time you speak up. 

Data is your guide, not the answer.
Meaningful insights take context, not just numbers. Thankfully, AI is here to do the heavy lifting when we give it solid guidance. 

To reach a goal, stay on the path. 
It’s almost never a single effort or moment that results in success, so don’t give up too quickly. Continual optimization—even thoughtful pivots—will be part of your journey. Just keep the destination in mind.